Hen’yō bunkai zukō
Kondō Morishige
Japan : Copier not identified,
ca. 1804
8v. in 6 : 27 cm.
Manuscript copy
East Asia Library Collection
DS507 .K66 v.1-8
This is a geography book about the customs, manners, and history of Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Manchuria, Russia, etc. It was written based on Kondō’s research and history books published in China, Japan, and Korea. It was the first attempt to exhaustively cover these regions in text and illustrations. Rather than a pure geographical treatise in the above areas, this book was produced out of political interest to deal with the Russian colonial policy in the southern areas.
Kondō was a shogunate official, a scholar, and an explorer in the late Tokugawa period. He was also known as Jūzo. He was a member of the research team that surveyed Kuril Islands (Chishima-retto) several times. He organized the establishment of fisheries, traveled several times to Iturup Island (Etorofu-jima), and was also engaged in the research of Western Ezo and suggested to the shogunate that Sapporo became a base of security for Ezo.
邉要分界圖考 (へんようぶんかいずこう)
日本: 書写者不明, ca. 1804
8v. in 6 : 27 cm.
DS507 .K66 v.1-8
秋月俊幸. (1999). 日本北辺の探検と地図の歴史. 札幌市 : 北海道大学図書刊行会. pp. 216-222, 241-246, 264-268. DS806.4 .A55 1999
開国百年記念文化事業会 (Ed.). (1953). 鎖国時代日本人の海外知識. 東京 : 乾元社. p. 47. (UW East Asia Library: Z3308.A39 K3 cop.2
九州大学総合博物館. (Ed.). (2009). 辺要分界図考. 九州大学デジタルアーカイブ. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from http://record.museum.kyushu-u.ac.jp/henyou/henyou/
小学館. (2001-2014). 近藤守重. In 日本大百科全書. 東京 : 小学館. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from http://alliance-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/UW:TN_japanknow1001000093658
逢坂剛. (2009). 北門の狼. 東京 : 講談社. PL858.S238 H65 2009) Fiction.
Walker, B. (2001). The Conquest of Ainu Lands Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion, 1590-1800. Berkeley: University of California Press. DS832 .W35 2001