Japan : Copier not identified,
3 v., 27 cm.
Manuscript copy
East Asia Library Collection
G525 .H96
Numerous castaway stories were compiled into these three volumes.
This includes the stories of castaways from foreign countries to Japan, as well as the story of a famous castaway, Daikokuya Kōdayū. Daikokuya drifted to the Aleutian Islands in 1782. In order to request permission to return home, he was granted an audience with Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great. He eventually returned to Japan in 1792.
日本: 書写者不明, 1796-1801?
3 v., 27 cm.
G525 .H96
中国から日本への漂着者の話や、漂流記として有名な大黒屋光太夫(だいこくやこうだゆう)の話を含む。光太夫は 1782 年アリューシャン列島に漂着。帰国申請のためロシア女帝エカテリーナ二世に謁見し、1792 年に日本に帰国した人物
大黒屋光太夫. (2001-2014). In 日本大百科全書. 東京 : 小学館. Retrieved from http://alliance-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/UW:TN_japanknow1001000141560
Laver, M. (2011). The Sakoku Edicts and the Politics of Tokugawa Hegemony. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. DS871.7 .L38 2011
宮本常一, 原口虎雄, 比嘉春潮 (Eds.). (1968). 日本庶民生活史料集成 (Vol. 5). 東京 : 三一書房. DS821 .N6793 v. 5