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Research Guides

Option A: Export Citations with Zotero Connector

1. Open your Zotero Desktop application

2. Download Zotero Connector for your browser.

3. Make sure you are logged into your browser with the email that is linked with your Zotero account.

4. Click and open the resource through the UW Libraries Search that you want a Zotero record for.

Item record in search results

5. Click on your Zotero Connector. The appearance may vary (page, book, folder).

Zotero Connector

 6. In the popup , check the box next to the item(s) that you wish to save in Zotero. Click OK.

Zotero - select item

7. Click on the drop down menu to select the folder you want to save the record to.

Zotero - select folder

8. The record now shows in your Zotero Desktop application.

Zotero desktop


Option B: Exporting with an .RIS file

For single items:

1. Click on the three little dots in the right-hand part of the item record:​

More options

2. Click on Export RIS, then Download to save the RIS file to your computer:

Export RIS

3. To import RIS files within Zotero, go to File ----> Import; follow the prompts and navigate to RIS file you saved to your computer (it should be called something like Primo_RIS_Export.ris) and import into Zotero.

Alternatively, add single items by identifier (ISBN, DOI, or PMID) from within Zotero add single item from zotero button. These identifiers can be found in the full item display.

Identifiers (ISBN) in full item display

Identifiers (DOI, PMID) in full item display


For multiple items:

  1. In the UW Libraries Search results screen, click on the push pin icon next to the desired items in order to add them to your Favorites: UW Libraries Search add to Your favorites button on Search Results Screen
  2. Click on the push pin icon in the upper right purple bar to navigate to your Favorites. My Favorites menu button from UW Libraries Search top menu
  3. Mark the items you wish to export to Zotero, then follow the instructions above to export the citations in RIS format and import the RIS file into Zotero.

Note: These instructions are for the new Zotero 6.0.