The resources below will help you identify books, articles, audiovisual materials, manuscripts, registries, government records, and other unique materials that might not be located in UW, Summit, or WorldCat library search tools. Accessibility ranges from online open access to digital materials, to restricted access to unique items allowed only at an item's home institution. Books and other materials located in these library catalogs and archive listings may be available by request from the UW Libraries' Interlibrary Loan and Scanning Services.
Union catalogs combine the catalogs of various academic, public, and specialized libraries for each of the Nordic countries. Some are more comprehensive than others but these are good to check for materials that do not appear in UW, Summit, or WorldCat libraries.
The holdings of national and royal libraries in the Nordic countries are quite varied. Some, but not all materials in these national libraries may appear in each country's union catalog. Search these for unique special collections and digital collections in addition to books, media, etc.
National archives provide access to historical records and registries significant to historical and genealogical research.
These online national bibliographies contain millions of references to articles, books, and other materials published in the Nordic countries, about the Nordic countries, or by Nordic authors abroad.