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UW Ethnomusicology Archives: Preserving

The UW Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy Archives has been col­lecting and curating unique ethnographic music recordings, films, and video since 1962.

About Preservation

To preserve and provide access to our collections, the Archives maintains a reformatting and research lab in Suzzallo-Allen Library. Called the Ethnomusicology Archives Research & Reformatting Lab (EARR Lab), it provides us with the tools and equipment to preserve, restore, and digitize a variety of media formats, including... 

  • Analog audio: 1/4" open reel audio tapemicro and compact analog audio cassettes, and analog discs in a variety of sizes, speeds, and material types. 
  • Digital audio: MiniDisc and DAT 
  • Analog video: VHS (all regions and types), Hi8, and U-matic
  • Digital video: MiniDV and DV

The EARR Lab is restricted to UW Ethnomusicology Archives use only. That said, Archives and Libraries Preservation staff are happy to share information about media preservation with the general public. Just Ask Us! 


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