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UW Ethnomusicology Archives: Streaming

The UW Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy Archives has been col­lecting and curating unique ethnographic music recordings, films, and video since 1962.

Streaming Collections

A fraction of the Archives' collections are available via streaming. These recordings, along with other recordings licensed by UW for the campus community, are highlighted here. Unfortunately, due to licensing restrictions some streaming collections are only available to the UW community. Please contact with questions or if you have difficulty accessing this content.  

Ethnographic Sound Archive

Musicians of Herat: Recording musicians, Mohammad Omar (sorna) and Khalifa Dohlchi Sarwa (dhol)

Ethnographic Sound Archives Online brings together over 2,000 hours of previously unpublished historic field recordings from around the world, alongside their supporting field notes, photos, films, and ethnographers' metadata. UW's Hiromi Lorraine Sakata collections featuring music from  Afghanistan and Pakistan are included.

Archives on Spotify | Joe Heaney

16mm Films

UWEA & ZM DAGAR on Spotify

Check out a selection of the Archives' ZM Dagar recordings on Spotify. 

Global Field Recordings (UW only)

Global Field Recordings  Access for all on-campus; login required from off-campus 

Unique field recordings from UW and UCLA. UW content features recordings made by UW ethnomusicology founder Robert Garfias and includes music from Bali, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Japan, Korea, Laos, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Nicaragua, Mexico, Myanmar, the Philippines, Romania, Zimbabwe and beyond (UW login required). 

Smithsonian Global Sound

JVC Anthology of World Music (UW only)

The JVC Anthology of World Music (UW NetID required) is a 30 volume collection containing over 500 performances from 100 different countries. The collection is split into eight geographic regions. Within each tab of this section, there are links to corresponding volumes that will redirect you to the Alexander Street website. Located under the "details" tab on any of the linked videos to the Alexander Street website, there are also 9 supplemental books available for download: an introductory book and one book for each of the eight geographic regions. These books provide details about the music and dance, the cultural background of each region, the publication date, and specific explanatory notes on particular materials.

Korea, I 

Hyangak - court music: "P'yojongmanbang-jigok" ChongJae: mugoch'um - drum dance, Salp'uri - dance to exorcise evil spirits (from folk tradition)  Chakpop: Parach'um - cymbal dance, Kayagum pyongch'ang - song with kayagum [zither]: "Sae-t'aryong" ("Song of the birds") Bhongak: taegum flutel solo: "Sangyongsan" from "P'yongjo hoesang", T'alch'um - masked dance-drama from tbe Pongsan region, Pomp'ae - Buddhist chant: "Toryanggye" performed with Nabich'um - butterfly dance

Korea, II 

Sungmu - dance for purification (from folk tradition), Chakpop: Parach'um - cymbal dance, Kop'uri - stage dance derived from shaman ritual (from folk tradition), Salp'uri - dance to exercise evil spirits (from folk tradition), P'ansori - sung narrative with drum: "Hungboga," Koktukaksi-norum - puppet play, Chul-t'agi - tightrope walking, Nongak - farmer's hand, Mudang kut - shaman ritual

China, I 

Dizi - flute, with ensemble: "Gusuxing" ("Trip to Suzhou"), Pipa - lute solo: "Shimian maifu" ("Ambush on all sides"), Erhu - bowed fiddle with yangqin [zither]:"Erquan yingyue" ("The moon reflected in a spring"),  Zheng - zither solo: "Yuzhou changwan" ("The fisherman singing in the evening"), Instrumental ensemble: "Chunjiang huayueye" ("A beautiful moonlit night by the river in springtime"), From liyuanxi - dramatic musical genre:"Paixiongwu" ("Beating the chest dance"),  Instrumental ensemble: "Meihuacao" ("Plum blossoms"), Dongxlao - flute solo: "Huainian" ("Nostalgia"), From liyuanxi - dramatic musical genre: Colored ball dance, From jingju - Beijing opera: "Bawang bieji" ("The king's parting with his favorite"), From chuanju - Sichuan opera: "Baishezhuan" ("The white snake")

China, II 

Yunnan Province -  Dage - group dance: "Xianzige",  Shange - mountain song, Narrative song: "Kaitian pidi" ("The origin of heaven and earth"), Sword dance: "Eruyeba shuadao," Dage - group dance, Naxi people - Datiao - group dance ("Beat leap"), Lushengtiao - group dance ("Reed mouth organ leap"), Dance with song and lusheng [reed mouth organ]: "Amengda," Dance with song: "Orere," Circle dance with song: "Alili," Gugi - lyric song: "Ximasha," Lusheng [reed mouth organ], flute, and kouxian [jew's harp], TibetMasked dance-drama: "Rgya-lu Rngon-pa" and dance of battle

China, III

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous RegionThreshing song and lullaby, Mashrap - circle dance, Dance from Kucha, Song with dutar [lute] and daf [tambourine]: "A woman as beautiful as the moon," Panjgah-mukam - classical music: "Sambang" - opening song, Group dance: "The joy of the farmers" Dance solo: "Pomegranate garden" Doppasorman - group dance, Mukam - instrumental music, Mashrap - circle dance 

Mongolia: Urtiin duu - song in free rhythm: "Uyaxan ambuu tiviin naran" ("The beautiful sun of the universe"), Urtiin duu - song in free rhythm: "Ulemdziin canar" ("Ulemdziin's traits"), Xoomij - throat singing: "Tsombon tuuraitai xuren" ("The chestnut horse with round hooves") and "Xanin dzoroo mori" ("The dzoroo horse that walks with small steps like a sheep")

Vietnam and Cambodia 

Vietnam: Water puppet play, Sao - bamboo flute, with ensemble, Saranai [shawm] and trong ki nang [drum], Roncat - xylophone, with flat gongs, Sao phong ticu [flute], t'rung [xylophone], and angklung [bamboo tubes], Dan tranli - zither ensemble: "Treo len nui thien thai" ("Climbing Mt. Thien Thai"), Folk song with dance: "Ngoi tua man thuyen" ("Reclining on the side of a boat"), Folk instruments performance, Saranai [shawm], trong bara nung [drums], and trong ki nang [small gong], Gong ensemble, Festival of the Gialai people

Cambodia: Apsara dance,Lakhon Bassac - dance-drama, Folk instruments performance, Wedding ceremony

Thailand and Myanmar (Burma)

Thailand: Fawn tien - candle dance, Ram sat chatri - ceremonial introduction of dance-drama, Khon - masked dance-drama: "Prince Rama's fight with the Devil King Thosakanth, from the Ramakian, Dance-drama: "Chui-chai Prahm" ("Chui-chai of a Brahmin"), Jakhc - three-string zither, with ensemble: "Lao Phaen", Khlui - flute solo: "Phya kruan", So sam sal - bowed lute solo: "Khaek mon," Kruang sal - string ensemhle: "Lao duong duen" Molam - song and dance genre 

Myanmar (Burma): Classical music in the yo-daya style: "Mo bwe nan thein" ("Song of the rain god"),  Monkey play, Hsaing-waing ensemble: Overture, Salutation dance, Dance to pray for the protection of the spirits, Saung - baris solo, Drum dance, Dance performance: Pledge of love, Puppet dance

Malaysia and the Philippines

Malaysia: From a court dance: "Tarinai Layang Mas" ("Golden swallow dance"), From folk tradition: "Selayang Kercing" ("Flying kercing"),  Dance-drama: Ramayana, Sapeh - lute duet: "Jempen letoh" 

Philippines: Balingbing - split-bamboo idiophone, Tongali - nose flute, Onnat - jew's harp, Kulibit - bamboo tube zither, Paldong - end-blown flute, Saggeypo - independent panpipe ensemble, Tongatong - stamping tubes, Topayya - gongs struck with the hands, Palook - gongs struck with beaters, Fishermen's supplication dance: "Tahing baila", Bamboo pole dance: "Singkil", Folk dance medley

Indonesia (Bali)

Gamelan - instrument ensemble: "Sekar jupun", Pendet - devotional dance, Baris - warrior's dance drill,  Legong keraton - court dance, Kebyar trompong - seated dance with gong set, Calonarang - dance-drama

Indonesia (Bali and Java)

Bali: Kecak - men's chorus 

Java: Wayang - shadow puppet play, Gamelan degung - small court ensemble, Tembang Sunda Cianjuran - song with instrument ensemble, Pantun - narrative recitation with accompaniment: "Mundinglaya Dikusumah" ("The story of Mundinglaya"), Tembang Sunda Cianjuran - song with instrument ensemble: "Papatet", Tarawangsa [bowed lute] and kacapi slier [plucked zither]: "Kidung", Celempungan - instrument and voice ensemble: "Tablo"

India 1

Bharata natyam - classical dance: A devotional dance to Shiva, Kathakall - dance-drama: "Dryodanavadham" from the Mahabharata, Manipuri - classical dance: "Vasanta Ras" ("Circular dance of spring"), Kathak - classical dance: "Panchavati-varnam" (Rama and Sita in the forest - from the Ramayana), Folk dance from Manipur: "Thougal jagoi" (Prayer for a rich harvest), Dhol cholam - drum dance from Manipur, Kathak - classical dance: "Tarana"

India 2

Chhau - masked dance of Purulia, a. "Mahishasur-vadh" (Killing of the demon Mahishasur), b. "Abhimanyu-vadh" (Death of the young hero Ahhimanyu), Chhau - masked dance of Seraikela: a. "Hara-Parvati" ("Shiva and Parvati"), b. "Ratri" ("Night"), c. "Nabik" ("Boatman"), d. "Mayur" ("Peacock"), Yakshagana - dance drama: "Abhimanyu-vadham," Geet or bhajan - Hindu devotional song, Bhajan - Sikh devotional song

India 3

Rudra-vina - plucked zither solo, Sitar - plucked lute solo, Pabuji-ki-phad - illustrated narration of Pabuji's heroic deeds, Kath-putli - puppet play, 5/6 Folk songs from Bengal, Bhatiyali - boatman's song: "Majhi baiya yaore, akul dariyar majhe" , Sari-gan -boat race song: "Sundoira majhir nao jan chale dhaiya", 13-7/8/9 Baul songs, Lalan giti: "Sabloke kaya Lalan kijat samsare", Prem-tattva: "F prem garal makha naya" Guru-tattva: "Ki chamatkarphalgo Guru dhare oi gachhe"

Pakistan and Bangladesh

Pakistan: 14-1/2 Qawwali - Sufi group singing, Hamd - song in praise of Allah, Manqabat - song in honor of Sufi saints, Trance ritual of bitan (Shaman of Hunza) and instrumental prelude, Lolo ban - lyric song played on solo tutek [flute], Bericho surnai - ensemble with surnai [shawmj, Tarwar - sword dance, Trance ritual of bitan (accompaniment for incantation calling forth mountain spirits)

Bangladesh: Women's dance: "Sonari ansh" ("Golden fiber"), Mountain folk dance, Dance-drama: "Our life"

Sri Lanka, Napal & Bhutan

Sri Lanka - Tovil - dance ritual for driving away evil spirits, Dance based on the Kohomba kankariya ceremony: "Asne", Dance based on a ritual to Devol: "Telme",  Dance from Perahara festival: "Ves",  Dance based on a ritual to Devol: "Devol",  Pancha turya - five-instrument ensemble, Hunting song of the Vedda

Nepal: Gaine [musicians' caste] song with sarangi [bowed lute]: "Krishna murari",  Dhime, dapa khin, dholak and madal -drum solo,  Dapa khala - Hindu devotional song, Lamaist ritual music, Masked dance-drama: "Mahakali pyakhan" 

Bhutan: Chain - masked dance-drama, Song and dance of welcome

Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Qatar 

Turkey: Azan - Islamic call to worship, Mehter - military music of the Ottoman Empire: "Eski ordu marsi" ("An old army march"), Hancer bar - dance of the knives, Dances from the Gaziantep region, Dance from the Black Sea region, Dance from the Afyon Region, Saz - plucked lute solo, Dance from the Silifke region, Asik - itinerant musician, Sema - Islamic dance of the whirling dervishes 

Iran: Santur - hammered dulcimer solo: "Nagme-ye karevan"

Iraq: Bedouin Dance, Contemporary Iraqi song: "Ya zahrat al-madiyin" 

Lebanon: Lebanese popular song: "Ya qalbi", Belly dance 

Qatar: Traditional songs of the Persian Gulf Arab States, Bedouin song and dance, Mortar-pounding song, Song and dance of welcome

Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mali, Zaire, Tanzania

Egypt: Egyptian popular song: "Ana gambak ya kol Iraqi"

Tunisia: Bedouin dance, Ma'luf - classical music 

Morocco: Berber Dance,  Nawba - classical music selection: prelude to "Sunset",  Saharan dance: "Iwana", Berber street musicians, Imdyazn - minstrel, Street artists of Marrakech 

Mali: The Dogon, Masked dance of the Dogon 

Cameroon: The Fulbe, Praise song for King Iisa, Sanza - finger piano performance,  Balafon - xylophone performance at the Ngawndere palace,  Dummbo - calabash instrument performance, Buusaw - animal horn flute performance in front of the Maroua palace, Garayya - bowed instrument performance in front of the Dargala palace,  Minstrel poet of Maroua, Minstrel poet of Dargala, Cowherd's song of Bogo town, Drum performance of Guirvidik town

Zaire: The Mhuti, Dance of the Bambuti 

Tanzania: The Masai, Dance of the Masai

Chad, Cameroon

Chad: Orchestra of the Town of Mongo, Sultan's orchestra of the town of Mao, the Djonkor, Festival orchestra, Dambio - festival dance, Hero praise song with kundinge [harp] accompaniment, The Bulala, Traise song with kukuma [one-string instrument] accompaniment, The Hausa, Libo - transverse flute performance, The Dangaleat, Children's dances, The Djaya, Djele - pleasure dance, Bardjat - pleasure dance, The Haddad, Djersiss - pleasure dance, Omar-Arab people, Al beher - pleasure dance Hemat-Arab people, Am haraba - pleasure dance 

Cameroon: The Tikar - Memorial ceremony for King Mkong Moteh, Bourning music by a mask clan

Ivory Coast, Botswana, Republic of South Africa

Ivory Coast: The Baule -  Singing and performing on a bow harp, Drum language, Gbagba - masked dance of Asouakro, Goli - masked dance of Agubanjansou, The Dan -  Gegon mask dance: "The Maple Song", Children's dance of Biankouma: "Lelje", Children's dance of Biankouma: "Gua", Stilt dance of the Kupegbouni, The Gere - Masked dance of Bangolo, Acrobatic dance of the snake girl, The Guro -  Dance of Zorofla women: "Greagba", Masked dance: "Uale", The Njedebua - Dance of the leopard association 

Botswana: The San [Bushmen],  Musical bow performance, Handelo - one-string instrument and song, Dongo - hand piano and song, Trance-dance treatment of sickness 

Republic of South Africa: The Zulu -  Lullaby accompanied by musical bow, Wedding ceremony

Ireland, England, France, Switzerland, W. Germany, Spain, Italy

Ireland: Uilleann pipe - Irish bagpipe performance, Folk dance with concertina accompaniment, 

England: Parade of the Military Band of Buckingham Palace, Bagpipe performance, Sword dance of Scottish soldiers, 

France: Chanson - urban song: "Les feuilles mortes" ("Dead leaves"), Harlequin's dance, Farandole - folk dance, 

Switzerland: Alphorn quartet, Naturjodel ensemble, 

West Germany: The bear spirit at the carnival of Wilflingen, The Uberlingen sword dance, 

Spain: Sevilanas and rumba flamenca - folk dances, Cossiers - folk dance of Mallorca, Folk dance: "Bolero de Belmar", Folk dance: "Copeo de Montaña", Sardana - folk dance, 

Italy: Neapolitan folk song: "Santa Lucia", Lament, Sardinian folk song: "Love and error", Joyous dance, Sardinian dance song: "Ballo", 

Greece:  Pentozali - folk dance from the village of Axos, Crete, Wedding ceremony from the village of Anoyia, Crete

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary

Poland: Folk dance medley from Krosno, Rzeszw area of Eastern Poland, Zbjnicki - hatchet dance, southeastern Poland, Tatra Mountain area

Czechoslovakia: Cfavá - dance from Haná, central Moravia: ("Hemp is growing"), Folk song from the Haná area of Moravia: "The lark in the sky", Dance music with early instruments: "Aria Hannaco", Hatsch - peasant wedding dance of Moravia, Tuseblied and Radl - festival song and round dance, Bohemian sword dance, Karicka and cardás - dances of eastern Slovakia, Gypsy songs and dances from Slovakia 

Hungary: Country dance procession from Dunamenti Festival, Citera - zither ensemhle: "Zavaros a Tiska" ("Muddy is the Tisza's water"),  Tekero - hurdy-gurdy, Legényes - men's dance, Legényes with kelimaski gilji - Gypsy dance song, Hungarian wedding ceremony of Transylvania in Romania

Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania

Romania: Ensemble from Muntenia, Kaval - flute performance, Whistling: "Ciocirlia" ("Skylark"), Romanian folk song: "Hometown", Hora and sirba - round dance and line dance of Muntenia,  Music of the autumn harvest festival in Moldavia, Dance from Botosani in northern Moldavia, Capra - Christmas "dance of the billy goat", Song and dance of the mountain people from Mures in Transylvania, Sirba - dance from Oltenia in southern Romania Yugoslavia 

Yugoslavia: Potkorak - dance from Dalmatia, Dalmation folk song: "I am a girl of the harbor", Serbian folk song: "Beautiful Emina", Guslar- epic singer with gusle [bowed lute], Narrative poetry from Montenegro, accompanied on the gusle [bowed lute]: "Death of Smrt Smail-Aga Cengica"

Bulgaria: Wedding songs and dance, Gadulka - bowed string instrument performance and song, Farm workers' songs 

Albania: Tepsije - plate-spinning song of Kosovo, Women's chorus from the village of Zur: "T'kom thon 'dada mos shko me fitve" ("My lover, don't go to a different town"), Dance from the village of Zur: "Dy mollat e kuge" ("Two red apples"), Trio of ethnic instruments from the village of Zur: "Canakala mrena" ("The fortress of Canakala"), Men's folk song: "Kanga e B]ram Currit" ("Song of brave Bjram Currit"), Wedding song with dance from Metohija: "Moj batixhe shamikuge" ("Oh, Hatixha has put on a red shawl"), Kallcoja - war dance/sword dance, Narrative song with lahuta [bowed lute]: "Djegja e Rugoves" ("The burned-down town of Rugoves")


Lyric folk song: "Tsvetiki-tsvetochko" ("Flower") Khorovod - group dance song, Wedding song: "lz-za lesu to lesu tiomnogu" ("From beyond the dark forest"), Lyric folk song: "Belaia berezon ' ka" ("White birch"), Lyric folk song: "Ne vo nashikh vo poliakh" ("In our fields"), Lyric folk song: "Ne za rechen 'koi" ("Beyond the river"), Lyric folk song: "Solovei" ("Nightingale"), Khorovod song: "Vykhodili krasny devushki" ("The beautiful girls have arrived"), Winter song: "Po goram devki khodili" ("Girls walking on the knoll"), Dance for six persons, Chastushka - folk song of Tarnogskii Gorodok, Village chorus: "Balalaechka gudit" ("The balalaika sings"), Spinning song, Khorovod - group dance song, Spring song: "Poidiomte devochki", Rozhok - wood trumpet ensemble: "Vo luziakh", The Briansk-Sverdlovsk Joint Ensemble, Timonia - dance song of Kursk, Folk instrument ensemble, Khorovod - group dance song: "Tatianina matushka meia mela seni" ("The maiden played and danced"), Children's pliaska [fast dance], Lyric folk song: "Oi ty batiushka nash provoslavnyi Tikhii Don" ("Oh, Don River"), Dance song: "Byl ia rano" ("I came early"), Historical song: "Aei da na slavnoi bylo bratsy da na rechushke", Wedding song: "Rodimaia da mati", Lyric folk song: "Lazorevyi tsvetochek" ("Lapis-colored flower"), Lyric folk song and pliaska [fast dance]: "Uzh ty batiushka, nash bystryi Terek" ("Oh, fast flowing Terek River")

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Moldavia

Latvia: Folk song with folk instrument ensemble, Folk song: "The beanstalk", Antiphonal song from Alsunga, Kokle - plucked lute performance, Folk instrument ensemble

Estonia: Medley of ethnic dances 

Lithuania: Waltz: "I have cut hay", Wedding song: "Oh my brothers", Male chorus: "Song of youth", Folk instrument ensemble: waltz, Folk instrument ensemble: polka, Female chorus: lyric song, Game song: "The magpie", Game song: "The gray rabbit" 

Belorussia: Folk dance medley, Chastushka - folk song: "Do not sing under my window" 

Ukraine: Duma - narrative song: "The death of the Cossack bandura player", Folk instrument ensemble, Folk song: "So that the grain will bear much fruit", Ethnic dance medley 

Moldavia: Ethnic dances, Wedding song

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, Russian Gypsies

Azerbaijan: Performance on ethnic instruments by the Makhiliar group, Puppet dance, Saz - plucked lute performance and song: "Beloved one", Balaman [shawm] and saz [plucked lute] performance with song: "Gule gule", Saz - plucked lute solo 

Armenia: Duduk - shawm solo and Armenian folk song: "Memories", Wedding dance and song 

Georgia: Male chorus: "Mravalzhamier" ("To your health!"), Male chorus: "The Song of Khasan-bek", Song and dance from the Adzhar region, Krimanchuli - part-singing and vocal ensemble from the Adzhar area, Ossetian ethnic dance 

Dagestan (Autonomous Republic): Ethnic dance and tightrope walking 

Russian Gypsies: Song: "The girl", Song: "The gypsies are going"

Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kirgiz, Kalmyk, Bashkir, Siberia

Kazakh: Kiui [instrumental music] with dombura [plucked lute] ensemhle: "Sary Arka", Zhir: narrative poem recited to dombura [plucked lute] accompaniment, Wedding song with dutar [plucked lute] accompaniment 

Uzbek: Karnal - trumpet and street musicians' performance, Ethnic dance: "Joy"

Turkmen: Song: "Song of the horse", Dance of celebration 

Tajik: Wedding song and dance 

Kirgiz: Ensemble of ethnic instruments

Kalmyk (Autonomous Republic): Folk dance and folk song 

Mari (Autonomous Republic): Folk dance and folk song 

Bashkir (Autonomous Republic): Ensemble of ethnic instruments 

Siberia: Ensemble of Udehe ethnic instruments, Udebe song and dance: from "Forest Awakening", Nanaitsy musical children's story: "Kimbek-keinke", Love story of Nanai fishermen, Evenki folk song: "Our mother Katanga", Folk dance performed by a Kamcbatkan ensemble, Koriaki bird dance and Eveny dance, Koriaki folk song: ("Ocha") and bird dance, Eskimo song and dance: "Ceremonial dance", Eskimo song and dance: "Dance of the raven", Eskimo song and dance: "Walrus hunting"

North American Indian and Inuit

Arctic Circle: Drum dance, Drum dance/women's drum dance/song duel, Drum dance (two varieties) and talium [women's sitting dance], Drum dance 

Northwest Coast Indians: Haida totem pole ceremony and potlatch, Songs and dances of the Kwakiutl 

American Indians of the Plateau Region: "Chief Joseph memorial songs" (Nez Perce), Ceremonial song (Nez Perce), Song for beginning a pow-pow (Nez Perce), Ceremonial song (Nez Perce), War dance (Nez Perce), Soup dance song (Nez Perce), Hoop dance (Flathead), "Owl song" and "Coyote song" (Nez Perce), War dance (Nez Perce), Rabbit dance (Nez Perce), Song of Chief Joseph (Ncz Perce), Song sung by Yakima women, War dance (Nez Perce), Song for beginning a pow-wow (Nez Perce), War dance (Nez Perce), Rabbit dance (Nez Perce), Hoop dance (Shoshone), War dance

Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina

Mexico: Cancin ranchera - ranch song: "Ay Jalisco. no te rejes", Dance with mariachi [string and brass] ensemble: "Jarabe Tapati" ("Mexican hat dance")

Cuba: Guajira - folk song: "Guantanamera", Controversia - dialogue song, Son [song and dance] at the Casa de la Trova: "Intimate calls", Voodoo gathering

Brazil: Samba - song and dance form, Capoeira - dance derived from martial art, Candomblé - religious observance 

Bolivia: Modern folk song: "Qunapaqui" ("Why?"), Modern folk song: "Waritay" ("My little star"), Modern folk song: "El Cndor Pasa" ("The condor passes"), Modern folk song: "Manaachu" ("No longer") 

Argentina: Tango - dance form: "La Cumparsita" ("The masquerade"), Tango - dance form: "El Choclo" ("Corn"), Chorus: "Hail Boca", Chamamé - gaucho song: "Merceditas"

Micronesia, Saipan, Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia)

Micronesia: Federated States of Micronesia: Pohnpei Island, Canoe navigation dance, Lehp - marching dance 

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Saipan: Stick dance, Dance of welcoming: "Hafa adai" ("Hello"), Wedding dance, Dance based on lullabies 

Melanesia: Papua New Guinea: The latmul - Tagarangau - one-stringed tubular zither construction and performance, Woragutngau - one-stringed tubular zither performance, Jew's harp performance, Sumi - slit-drum performance, Kul - wood trumpet performance, Song of the mythical ancestors, Ensemble of seven bamboo flutes and drum: "Yumanwusmange" village of Aihom The Sawos, Memorial service in the village of Gaikorobi: prayers and dances for the ancestors; performance of songs and flute music 

The Eipo: Work songs, Jew's harp performance 

Solomon Islands: Song and dance from Bellona 

New Caledonia: Dance from Tiga, Dance from Ouvea, Dance from the eastern side of the main island (New Caledonia) 

Australia: Australian Aborigine, Ngalko - dance of the kangaroo, Balununbir - dance of Venus, the morning star, Bomba - dance of the butterfly, Gomonge - dance of the magpie goose, Bulunbulun - dance of the spider, Larajeje - dance of the fish, Baritje - dance of the yam, Brolga - dance of the crane

Polynesia (Tahiti, Marquesas, W. Samoa, Tonga)

Tahiti: Excerpts from a drama, Himene-tarava - song, Ote'a - dance with drums, Ute - narrative song, Aparima - hand dance: "O Vai'ete rahi" ("Magnificent Vai'ete") 

Marquesas Islands: Putu - song with hand-clapping, Song and dance from the Marquesas, Tape'a - sitting dance song 

Western Samoa: Fa'ataupati - men's body slapping dance, Ma'ulu'ulu - sitting dance and chorus, Sasa - group dance, Seated dance 

Tonga: Ula - standing dance, Prelude to ma'ulu'ulu, Ma'ulu'ulu - sitting dance while singing, Me'etu'upaki - men's paddle dance, Lakalaka - men's and women's dance with mixed chorus 

Fiji: Seasca - women's standing dance, Meke wesi - men's spear dance, "Isa Lei" ("Farewell Song") Tokelau Islands, Songs and dances Cook Islands, Kaparima - hand dance: "Taku mann e" ("O my bird"), Kaparima - hand dance: "Onakura", 'Ura pa'u - drum dance 

Tuvalu Islands: Fa'atele - dances with songs and percussion, Parting song 

New Zealand: Maori - Haka poi-ball dance: "Pa mai" ("Please listen") and "Manu rere" (" A bird's wings"), Tititorea - short stick dance: "E hine hoki" ("She will come home to my house"), Maori love song: "Pokarekare ana"

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