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Research Guides

China Studies: Duxiu User Guide

Research guide on China and Chinese language studies resources.

What's in this Guide

This guide is intended as an additional resource for students and other library patrons who want to use the Duxiu Database (读秀).

Introductory Notes:  

  • Duxiu is similar to Google Scholar, but much larger. 
  • It encompasses a wide range of materials including books, newspapers, journals, dissertations, conference proceedings, letters, and manuscripts.
  • In some cases the full text is available, while in other cases only part of the text is available. Similarly, in some cases users can access the material immediately, while in other cases it is necessary to wait for it to be delivered by e-mail.
  • Although Duxiu has an incredible quantity of materials, its sorting and ranking functions are relatively rudimentary.
  • In addition to locating primary and secondary sources, Duxiu is a useful tool for obtaining bibliographical information
  • Searches can be conducted in traditional or simplified characters. However, search results will appear in simplified characters.


  • For further detail regarding the above points see below.

Types of Searches

Duxiu has eight different types of searches, seven of which are available to UW users.

  • 知识 Knowledge: Allows users to search Chinese books by keyword(s).
  • 图书 Books: Allows users to search within Duxiu's book collection. The books are available for online reading.
  • 期刊 Journals: Allows users to search within Duxiu's journal collection. Available article titles will be listed in the search results. Users can request desired articles through e-mail. For more information on how to do this, please see below. Delivery takes a few days.
  • 报纸 Newspapers: Allows users to search within Duxiu's newspaper collection. Available article titles will be listed in the search results. Users can request desired articles through e-mail. For more on how to do this, please see below. Delivery takes a few days.
  • 学位论文 Dissertations: Allows users to search within Duxiu's dissertation collection, which is overwhelmingly MA theses. For additional dissertations, including doctoral dissertations, users are encouraged to search China Academic Journals (CAJ).
  • 文档 Files: These are collections of material that may include written documents as well as visual sources (such as images and video) that have been compiled by Duxiu's manufacturer.

How to Read Book Excerpts

To read a book excerpt simply click on "包库全文阅读" [Storehouse for reading the entire text].

A new page will appear showing the book in its entirety.

  • Alter the size of the image by selecting 放大 (zoom in) or 小 (zoom out).
  • Select 打印 to print. Only five pages can be printed at a time.
  • Download by selecting 下载. In order to do this, it is first necessary to install SSReader software. Select 超星阅览器 to do so.


Different Read Mode Options

There are three different read mode options that differ slightly. After opening a book excerpt (by selecting 包库全文) users can choose their desired read mode by clicking on the appropriate 阅读模式 (reading mode) icon at the top of the page.

Option #1:

  • The table of contents appears on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • By clicking on a chapter title, users can jump to their desired location.
  • Enter a page number in the box in the upper left-hand corner to go to that page.
  • By clicking on the right side of the book page users can go to the next page.
  • By clicking on the left side of the book page users can go to the previous page. 

Option #2:

  • Click on the double arrows on the left side of the page to see the table of contents (目录). 



  • Click on the left or right arrow at the bottom of the page to move backward or forward.


Option #3:

  • Click on the double arrows on the left side of the page to see the table of contents (目录).
  • Enter a page number in the top left-hand corner of the screen to skip to that page.
  • Scroll up or down to turn the page.


Requesting a Periodical or Newspaper Article

  • After locating an article you would like to request, click on "图书馆文献传递" [transmit library document] to request that it be e-mailed to you. 


  • Fill in the request form and the article will arrive in your inbox in a few days.
  • The number of pages each user is permitted to request in a given period of time is limited. 


Sorting and Ranking Functions

  • Due to the huge quantity of material contained within the Duxiu search engine, millions of pages may contain a particular search term.
  • Users have four choices regarding how their search results are categorized. These four options may be used to winnow down results.
    • Book title
    • Author (作者)
    • Publication date (年代)
    • Selecting one of twenty-two broad subject categories (学科)
  • Click on 更多 (more) to see the rest of any of the above lists.