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Research Guides

China Studies: China Data Online User Guide

Research guide on China and Chinese language studies resources.

What's in this Guide?

This guide is intended as an additional resource for students and other library patrons who want to use China Data Online 中国数据在线.

Introductory Notes: 

  • China Data Online is a statistical database.
  • Users can locate it under the "Statistics, Archives & Dictionaries" tab.
  • It includes various kinds of statistics on topics such as GDP, industry, transportation, investments, domestic and foreign trade, and international tourism, among many others. These statistics are available for localities of different sizes ranging from the county to the national level. Monthly and yearly figures are available.
  • It includes census data
  • It can be used to compare statistical data of various kinds for multiple localities and generate charts illustrating this information.

Please note that UW does not subscribe to functions listed in the blue bar on the far lefthand side that have a circle-backslash symbol in front of them. 

Using "China Statistics"

   Monthly Statistics:

  • Users can obtain information on a wide variety of topics including national accounts, industry, trade, tourism, and price indices, among others.
  • This information is available for the city, provincial, or national level.
  • An interactive chart is used to generate results. 

How to generate a chart of monthly statistics:

  • Select an index from the pull down menu using the index tab (marked #1 above).
  • After clicking on a desired index, use the single arrow icon pointing towards the right to make a selection. Users who want to compare two or more indexes should repeat this step for all desired index categories.
  • Then select a time period using the time tab (marked #2 above). Use the single arrow icon pointing towards the right to make a selection. Users who want to compare two or more points in time should repeat this step for all desired comparison points.
  • Click submit to generate a chart showing the results. If an empty chart appears that means that data is not available.
  • The single arrow pointing towards the left can be used to cancel a selection. 
  • By clicking on the double arrows pointing towards the right users can generate a chart that compares all of the subcategories within a given index. The double arrows pointing towards the left can be used to cancel this selection.
  • After clicking submit a chart similar to the one below will be generated.

National Statistics:

  • There are two options for generating a chart of national statistics:
    • Common search
    • Advanced search        
  • Using common search, users simply select a category and subcategory from the supplied list and a chart, similar to the one below, will be generated providing available statistics. 

  • Advanced search operates in the same manner as the search function for monthly statistics. For details on how to use this option, see instructions above. A chart similar to the one below will then be generated.

  • To generate a chart supplying monthly industrial data users should follow the instructions for conducting a common search for national statistics. A chart, similar to the one below, will then be generated. Users will further be given the option to print or save it.


Using "Statistics on Map: I & II"

Statistics on Map (I):

  • Using the bar on the far lefthand side of the screen, select a time interval and indicator from the pull-down menus. Indicators include topics such as growth domestic product, employed persons by industry, and investment in innovation, among many others.
  • Check the location(s) for which data is desired.
  • Select type of graph desired (histogram or line figure from pull-down menu). 
  • Select "figures" to generate graph. A sample line figure and histogram graph are shown below.

Statistics on a Map (II):

  • This is an interactive feature that allows users to explore various indicators such as GDP, population data, agricultural statistics, and prices indices, among many others. 
  • Data at the provincial, prefectural, or county levels is available.
  • Users can then manipulate the data. The image below highlights a handful of the possibilities.