Option 1- Browsing by journal title and issue:
- Click on the 老旧刊 (Old Journals) category icon on the main page. (Note: UW does not subscribe to the other search categories.)

- Select one of the journals (by clicking on its image) and a list of all the issues sorted by year and issue number will appear. (Note: Only a small selection of the journals included in the Dacheng database are pictured. Users are advised to search by journal name-- as described below-- for additional publications.)

- Select one of the issues. Its contents will appear.
- Click on any article to read it. Use the 下载PDF (download as PDF) option in the top right-hand corner to download a copy.

Option 2- Searching by article title:
- Select 按篇检索 [article title search].
- Select to search by 题名(title); 作者 (author); or 刊名 (journal title).

Option 3- Searching by journal title:
- Select "按刊检索” [journal title search].
- Select to search by 刊名 (journal title); 年代 (publication date); or 出版者 (publisher).

- 刊名 (Journal title): Allows users to search by journal title. After locating the title, click on the link to see all the issues sorted by year and issue number.
- 年代 (Publication date): Allows users to search for all articles published in a given year. Users must enter a specific year. Entering a decade (e.g., 1930s) will not work.
- 创刊地 (Place of publication): Allows users to search by city or province.
- 出版者 (Publisher): Allows users to search by publisher name (e.g., 上海商务印书馆). All journals issued by that publisher will appear.