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Opposing Views: Multi-Issue Politicized Sites


This section identifies and organizes a highly selective number of resources from the Web and the UW Libraries journal collections that present news coverage from a particular point of view, i.e., a political party, a religious group, an ethnic population, etc.

Web Sites

  • Anarchist - Anarchy, from the Greek word anarchos or rule by none, is commonly understood as social chaos or unconstitutional government; however, Anarchists do not advocate such definitions. Anarchism is opposed to persons and governments in charge of anyone else. Anarchists believe that the purpose of society is to increase individual opportunities and freedoms of choice through voluntary co-operation.


  • Centrist - Working from a rational, nonpartisan position to solve political problems, centrists claim to reduce the rhetoric found in current politics and strike a balance between the rights and the responsibilities of the individual.


  • Communist - Based on the writings of Karl Marx, Communist organizations express the belief that it is good and possible for people to live in a non-competitive, non-authoritarian, propertyless state of equality. The fall of the USSR does not disprove the theoretical principles of communism; many western Marxists saw the Soviets as practicing a kind of state capitalism rather than communism.


  • Conservative - While quite difficult to define, conservatives tend to favor local initiative and limited federal government involvement in domestic issues, a strong national defense, personal rights and responsibility rather than bureaucratic regulation, traditional religious beliefs, an economy based on the principals of capitalism and free enterprise, and a suspicion of social planning schemes. Common sense and practical solutions are supported while complex regulatory systems are opposed. See also Libertarianand Religion & Politics.


  • Democratic Party - The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, the second being the Republican Party. The origins of the Democratic Party date back to the late 18th century and opposition to the Federalist Party. It acquired its modern name in 1828. Generally speaking, the Democratic Party is to the left of the Republican Party, i.e., more liberal. It tends to be the party of organized labor and of some ethnic minorities. It tends to support a more activist federal government.


  • Ethnic/Minority Perspectives - These news resources reflect the current interests and perspectives of American ethnic and/or minority groups.


  • Green Parties - Claiming to be the "fastest growing, world-wide movement seen in the second half of the 20th Century," and while emphasizing the still-evolving nature of the green movement and its political tenants, the Green Party calls for restructuring social, cultural and political life, particularly in developed countries. This movement is very much a local, grassroots effort, with little solid agreement on agendas, other than standing for peace, social justice and the environment.


  • Humanist - Humanism began in Italy in the 14th century as a literary and philosophical movement that recognizes the value and dignity of man, and measures all things against the potential and limitations of humans. Humanists support tolerance toward all points of view. The term has become highly politicized in the late 20th century, primarily by religious conservatives who charge that humanistic tenants are anti-religious and lead to the destruction of traditional values and moral standards.


  • Liberal - Current usage of the term "liberal" usually denotes a philosophy that looks to government action to help meet the needs of the individual. Modern usage developed out of the 19th century position of supporting civil and human rights against established monarchies, then to Depression era policies in which government was used aggressively to insure protection and regulation of civil liberties for all. Liberals generally support environmental legislation, universal health insurance, strong public welfare programs, and other uses of government in the areas of social and cultural development. Related to, and often confused with Progressives, Liberals are more willing to use government as a way to bring about change in society at many levels. See also Religion & Politics.


  • Libertarian - Libertarian doctrine states that all people have an inalienable set of rights that cannot be annulled, given up or taken away in the interests of a larger group. Government intervention is seen as interfering with personal autonomy and ingenuity, which are the keys to maximizing human prosperity and achievement. Taken to its extreme, libertarian views can move from a mildly laissez-faire approach to virtual anarchism. See also Conservative.


  • Progressive - A term with its roots in the 19th century, "Progressive" today is often used to avoid using the word "Liberal", or to try to raise the level of political debate above the petty squabbling of conservatives and liberals. The descriptor has been used by both Republicans and Democrats to give a more moderate but activist, reform caste to political positions. Modern progressives believe in economic reform and the use of government to make society better for all its members.


  • Radical/Revolutionary - This section includes a few organizations and publications on the far left side of the political spectrum. See also Communist, Progressive and Socialist.


  • Reform Party - The Reform Party, founded by Ross Perot, has been a surprisingly strong third party in U.S. politics over the last five years. Its guiding principles call for a balanced federal budget, a completely new tax system, term limits and other reform-minded goals. This party has also been called the "United We Stand Party".


  • Religion & Politics - This page lists web sites and current journals which have clear religious affiliations and contribute to public policy debate. See also Conservative, Liberal, Abortion and Human Rights.


  • Republican Party - The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, the second one being the Democratic Party. The origins of the modern Republican Party date back to 1854 and opposition to the spread of slavery in the western states, among several other major issues. Today's party is usually to the right of the Democratic Party on most issues, i.e. more conservative. It tends to support reduction in the size of the federal government with more power and accountability going to the states and individuals.


  • Socialist - Many kinds of socialist movements have flourished over the last 150 years, with roots going back at least to early Christian movements, but they all have in common a belief in a political and economic system in which the state controls (either through planning or outright ownership) all basic means of production. The aim is to produce all necessities for society without regard for profitability. The end result is an egalitarian society in which all are cared for by society and poverty is eliminated.


  • Women - This site brings together a selection of homepages and resources focusing on women's issues. (See also Abortion).