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2015 Publications

Nurse Educator journal cover College & Undergraduate Libraries journal cover

Hattwig, D., Lam, N., & Friedberg, J. (2015). Student Participation in Scholarly Communication and Library Digital Collections: A Case Study from the University of Washington Bothell Library. College and Undergraduate Libraries 22(2), 188-208.

Leadley, S. (2015). Reflections on Diversity and Organizational Development. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 54 (4).

Phelps, S., Hyde, L., & Planchon Wolf, J. (2015). Introducing Information Literacy Competency Standards for Nursing. Nurse Educator, 40(6), 278-280. DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000170

2015 Presentations

Ellenwood, D., Garrard, T., Villar, A., & Watson, M. (2015, October). "Let us walk together": Forging solidarities with our campus communities. Presentation at the Association of College and Research Libraries Washington and Oregon Joint Conference 2015, Eatonville, WA.

Presentation Photo

Planchon Wolf, J. (2015, April). "E-Resources for Evidence-Based Practice." Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference in Lynnwood, WA. Presentation Slides.