Belanger, J., & Izenstark, A. (2011). Screencasting. Tips & Trends (ACRL Instruction Section Instructional Technologies Committee).Retrieved from
Bliquez, R., Leppa, C., Brockhaus, A., Goldstein, D., & Porter, I. (2011). Hybrid learning and faculty development: Using a “Community of Inquiry” framework to foster hybrid teaching and learning success. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011 (pp. 257-262). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Burgett, B., Hillyard, C., Krabill, R., Leadley, S. & Rosenberg, B. Teaching Interdisciplinarity. (2011). Pedagogy: critical approaches to teaching literature, languages, composition and culture. 11 (3), 465-491.
Hattwig, D., Burgess, J., Bussert, K., & Medaille, A. (2011). ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Association of College & Research Libraries. Retrieved from
Belanger, J., & Bliquez, R. (2011, June). Everything but the Kitchen Sink! Innovations in Information Literacy (IL) Assessment. Poster presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Belanger, J., Bliquez, R. (2011, April). Everything but the kitchen sink! A librarian’s guide to information literacy (IL) assessment in academia. Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries 2011 conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Belanger, J., Lam, N., Hornby, A., Rowland, D., & Sanderson, B. (2011, October). Off the RAILS! The Rubric Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (RAILS) Project at UW Bothell. Presented at the ACRL Washington and Oregon Fall Conference, Pack Forest, WA.
Bliquez, R., Brockhaus, A., Leppa, C., Goldstein, D. & Porter, I. (2011, April). Enhancing Hybrid Teaching and Learning. Poster presented at University of Washington Bothell Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Symposium, Bothell, WA.
Bliquez, R., Leppa, C., Brockhaus, A., Goldstein, D., & Porter, I. (2011, October). Hybrid learning and faculty development: Using a “Community of Inquiry” framework to foster hybrid teaching and learning success. Best practices presentation at E-LEARN, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Bliquez, R. & Porter, I. (2011, October). Increasing Social Presence & Engagement Online. Roundtable session facilitated at the Northwest eLearn Conference, Vancouver, WA.
Hattwig, D. (2011, April). Interdisciplinary Visual Literacy Learning Outcomes: new ideas for developing student competencies around visual materials. Poster presented at University of Washington Bothell Annual Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Symposium, Bothell, WA.
Hattwig, D. (2011, March). Interdisciplinary Visual Literacy Learning Outcomes: new ideas for developing student competencies around visual materials. Poster presented at University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium, Seattle, WA.
Medaille, A., & Hattwig, D. (2011, March). Visual Literacy Standards. Presentation at Association of College & Research Libraries National Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Rowland, D. (2011, April). Integrated learning: Information literacy in the Discovery Core. Poster presented at University of Washington Bothell Annual Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Symposium, Bothell, WA.
Rowland, D., Silins, V., Kellejian, K., and Pelk, J. (2011, October). Building an Information Literacy Bridge Between High School and College. Workshop held at Washington Library Media Association Annual Conference, Spokane, WA.