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2013 Publications

Educational Communities of Inquiry book coverBliquez, R., Goldstein, D., Leppa, C., Brockhaus, A. & Porter, I. (2013) Fostering social presence in a blended learning faculty development institute. In Akyol, Z. & Garrison, R. (Eds.), Educational Communities of Inquiry: Theoretical Framework, Research and Practice. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Brown, N.W., Bussert, K., Hattwig, D., & Medaille, A. (2013). Keeping Up With...Visual LiteracyKeeping Up With... Editions. Association of College and Research Libraries. 

Information Literacy and Social Justice book coverEllenwood, D. (2013). Hip-Hop and Information Literacy: Critically Incorporating Hip-Hop in Information Literacy Instruction. In S. Higgins & L. Gregory (Eds.), Information Literacy and Social Justice: Radical Professional Praxis. Sacramento, CA : Library Juice Press.


Hattwig, D., Bussert, K., Medaille, A., & Burgess, J. (2013). Visual Literacy Standards in Higher Education: New Opportunities for Libraries and Student Learning. portal: Libraries and the Academy. 13(1), 61-89.

2013 Presentations

Batchelor, M., Estes, R., Parker, S. & Garrard, T. (2013) "CAREful change: Supporting users and each other through times of significant change." Presentation at Association of College and Research Libraries Washington and Oregon Joint Conference 2013, Pack Forest WA

Poster presentersBerger, A., Lam, N., & Watson, M. (2013, April). Conceptualizing connections: Laying the foundation for assessment. Poster presented at University of Washington Bothell Teaching and Learning Symposium, Bothell WA.

Berger, A., Lam, N., & Watson, M. (2013, April). Conceptualizing connections: Laying the foundation for assessment. Poster presented at University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium, Seattle, WA.

Ellenwood, D., Ferguson, E., Garrard, T., Lazzaro, A. & Watson, M. (2013) "Learning to care for our community: Diversity work and cultural competency." Presentation at Association of College and Research Libraries Washington and Oregon Joint Conference 2013, Pack Forest WA

Lam, N., & Sanderson, B. (2013, June). Check please! Using a checklist for quick information literacy assessment. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Libraries Association, Chicago, IL.

Lazzaro, A. & Brook, F. (2013).  "Anti-racism in the library: Rethinking policies, practices, and values on the reference desk"  Presentation at Association of College and  Research Libraries Conference 2013, Indianapolis, IN April 11, 2013.

Lazzaro, A. & Woodbrook, R. (2013).  The bonds of organization: Zine archives and the archival traditionJournal of Western Archives, 4.1. 

Rowland, D. (2013, February). Strategies and Tools for Academic Research: The STAR Project. Poster presented at 33rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience, Orlando, FL.