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Library Staff Publications & Presentations: 2010 and earlier

Publications from 2010 and Earlier


Bussert, L., & Pouliot, N. (2010). A Model for information literacy self-assessment: Enhancing student learning in writing courses through collaborative teaching. (T. P. Mackey & T. Jacobson, Eds.). In Collaborative information literacy assessments: strategies for evaluating teaching and learning.

Silins, V. (2010, July). Reader's advisory in the academic library: Issues and ideas. Reader’s Advisor News. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from


Bussert, L., Diller, K. R., & Phelps, S. F. (2009). Voices of authentic assessment: Stakeholder experiences implementing sustainable information literacy assessments. In Proceedings of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment (pp. 165-176). Washington DC: Association of Research Libraries. Retrieved from

Harwood, D. & McCormack, C. (2009). Growing Our Own: Mentoring Undergraduate Students.  In Diane Zebel (Ed.), Career Paths and Career Development of Business Librarians. Florence, KY: Routledge, a Taylor & Francis Group.

Harwood, D. & McCormack, C. (2009, February 23). Business 101 Workshop. Bellevue Regional Library, Bellevue, WA.  Retrieved from

Hornby, A., & Planchon Wolf, J. (2009). Creating a culture of assessment: Cascadia Community College student and faculty focus groups. In Proceedings of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference: Building effective, sustainable, practical assessment (pp. 347-356). Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries. Retrieved from


Bussert, L. (2008). Comic books. In K. Womack (Ed.), Books and beyond: the Greenwood encyclopedia of new American reading. (pp. 209-222). Westport, CT, CT: Greenwood Press.

Books and Beyond cover and page

Bussert, L., Parker, S., & Szarko, M. (2008). Interdisciplinary inquiry through collaboration. (E. Connor, Ed.). In An introduction to instructional services in academic libraries. New York: Routledge.

Hattwig, D. (2008). The UW Image Bank: A Libraries and Visual Resources Digital Image Collaboration at the University of Washington, Part II. VRA Special Bulletin: Collaboration, 35 (2).

Harwood, D. & McCormack, C. (2008, November 13).  Business 101 Workshop Using KCLS Resources.  King County Library System, Issaquah, WA. Retrieved from

Harwood, D. & McCormack, C. (2008). Growing Our Own: Mentoring Undergraduate Students. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 13 (3), 201-215. Retrieved from

Hornby, A., Parker, S., & Lerum, K. (2008). Zines! Librarians and faculty engaging students in creative scholarship. (D. Cook & R. Sittler, Eds.). In Practical pedagogy for library instructors: 17 innovative strategies to improve student learning. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Silins, V. (2008, August 05). RA in academic libraries. The Reader's Advisor Online Blog. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from


Silins, V. (2008, August 18). RA in academic libraries, Part 2. The Readers Advisor Online Blog. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from


Silins, V. (2008). Children's Literature: A Developmental Perspective -- Reviewed. Education Libraries, 31(1), 66-67. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Library Lit & Inf Full Text Database.


Silins, V. (2008, Fall). Puget Sound Council: Helping librarians select the best in children's literature. Medium.


Barrett, L., & Parker, S. (2006). A Picture worth a thousand words: Visual literacy through critical inquiry (D. Cook & N. Cooper, Eds.). In Teaching information literacy skills to social sciences students and practitioners: a casebook of applications. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.


Bussert, L. (2005). Comic books and graphic novels: Digital resources for an evolving form of art and literature. College & Research Libraries News, 66(2), 103-113. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from

Hattwig, D. (2005). The UW Image Bank: A Libraries and Visual Resources Digital Image Collaboration at the University of Washington, Part I. Visual Resources Association Bulletin: Collaboration, 31 (3).

Leadley, S., & Rosenberg, B. R. (2005). Yours, mine and ours: Collaboration among faculty, library, and writing center (J. K. Elmborg & S. Hook, Eds.). In Centers for learning: writing centers and libraries in collaboration. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Silins, V., & Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory Committee, Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, Association of College and Research Libraries. (2005). Directory of historical textbook and curriculum collections (J. Walker, Ed.). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.


Szarko, M. & Harwood, D. (2003, Winter). Strategies for More Effective Research: Guiding Students Beyond Web Search Engines. LOEX News, 30 (4), 4-5.


Leadley, S. (1998).  Teaching meetings: providing a forum for learning how to teach.  Reference Services Review.  26 (3-4) 103-108.

Presentations from 2010 and Earlier


Batchelor, M. (2010). Training technologies A-Zed: Getting started with training innovation. Presentation at Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference 2010, Portland OR, September 2010.

Batchelor, M., & Frederiksen, L. (2010). Electronic reserves: Change is our constant companion. Presentation at the Access Services Conference. Atlanta GA, November 2010.

Batchelor, M., Rutner, J., Matthias, C., & Chow, L. (2010). Accessibility / Usability Survey of the American Library Association (ALA) Website. Presented at the American Libraries Association Annual Conference 2010. Washington DC, June 2010.

Belanger, J., Bliquez, R., Bussert, L., Rowland, D., & Sanderson, B. (2010, October). Helping students find their research voice: Information literacy and research at Cascadia Community College. Presented at Washington Community Colleges Humanities Association Conference, Bothell, WA.

Belanger, J., & Ray, L. (2010, April). Getting into the swing with Jing: Tips for using Jing Screencasting Software. Poster presented at 14th Annual Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Cleveland, OH.

DeLaurenti, K., & Sanderson, B. (2010, May). A Success story: Embedded information literacy at Cascadia Community College. Presented at College Librarians and Media Specialists of Washington State Conference, Kent, WA.

Rowland, D., & Crane, K. (2010, April). Incorporating student voices in course design. Presented at SBCTC Assessment, Teaching and Learning Conference, Vancouver, WA.

Silins, V., & Puget Sound Council. (2010). The Best for Grades K – 4 Books of 2009 and The Best for Grades 5 –8. Presented at the annual Washington Library Media Association Conference. Seattle, WA, October 2010.


Belanger, J., Batchelor, M., & Ray, L. (2009, October). Jing screencasting and information literacy instruction. Presented at InfoCamp, Seattle, WA.

Deutschler, A., & Hornby, A. (2009, May). Where do citations come from? Teaching the scholarly article through reflective practice. Workshop for Instruction in Library Use Conference, Montreal, Canada. 

Harwood, D. & Belanger, J. (2009, March). Finding Sustainable Ways to Reach More Students. Round table discussion at the Association of College and Research Libraries National Conference, Seattle, WA.

Harwood, D., & McCormack, C. (2009). Business 101 workshop. Presentation at Bellevue Regional Library. Bellevue, WA, February 2009.

Rowland, D. (2009, October). Digital storytelling: Your story, students' stories, your library's story. Poster presented at UW Libraries and Information School Reception, Seattle, WA.

Rowland, D. (2009, March). Digital storytelling: Your story, your students’ stories, your library’s story. Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries National Conference, Seattle, WA.


Batchelor, Michelle and Rachel Bridgewater. (2008). Copyright for ILL. Presentation at Seventh Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference, ALT-ILL: Alternative Models in Resource Sharing. Portland, OR, September 2008.

Bussert, L. (2008, June). Playing the game of assessment: Collaborating with faculty to assess information literacy learning. Presentation at LOEX-of-the-West Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Deutschler, A. (2008, July). Navigating the scholarship of teaching literature. Workshop for American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges MAC3 Conference, Bothell, WA.

Deutschler, A., & Barrett, L. (2008, February). A Tale of 2.0 workshops: Two approaches to teaching emerging technologies. Presentation at Online Northwest, Corvallis, OR.

Harwood, D., & Gazaway, E. (2008, May). Bringing in student perspective: the importance of collaboration. Presentation at WILU 2008 Conference, Kelona, B.C.

Harwood, D., & McCormack, C. (2008). Business 101 workshop using KCLS resources. Presentation at King County Library System. Issaquah, WA, November 2008.

Silins, V. (2008). The Best K-8 books of 2007. Presentation at Oregon Association of School Librarians and Washington Library Media Association Joint Conference. Portland, OR, October 2008.


Bussert, L. (2007, March). But did they get it? Collaborating with faculty to assess information literacy learning. Poster presented at ACRL National Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Deutschler, A., & Planchon Wolf, J. (2007, March). We’re all in this boat together: a cross-campus collaboration to promote academic integrity. Poster presented at ACRL National Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Harwood, D., & McCormack, C. (2007, June). Meeting research demand in a limited resource environment: Streamlining with technologies. Poster presented at ALA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Harwood, D., & McCormack, C. (2007, May). Meeting research demand in a limited resource environment: Streamlining with technologies. Poster presented at Pacific Northwest Higher Education Teaching & Learning Conference, Vancouver, WA.

Harwood, D. & McCormack, C. (2007, May). Meeting Research Demand in a Limited Resource Environment: Streamlining with technologies. UW Libraries and UW Information School Reception,  Seattle, WA.

Hornby, A., Lerum, K., & Parker, S. (2007, April). Zines! Student expression through creative scholarship. Poster presented at UW Teaching and Learning Symposium, Seattle, WA.

Leadley, S., Burgett, B., & Hillyard, C. (2007, September). Beyond Wikipedia and Google. Presentation at Association for Integrative Studies Conference, Tucson, AZ.


Bussert, L., Parker, S., & Szarko, M. (2006, June). Using cultural artifacts as a pathway to information literacy. Presentation at LOEX-of-the-West Conference, Kohala Coast, HI.

Harwood, D. & Deutschler, A. (2006, June). Connecting with Students: Making the Case for Information Literacy Skills. Roundtable discussion at LOEX-of-the-West 2006, Kohala Coast, HI.

Hornby, A. (2006, June). The Media is the message: Information literacy instruction through new media. Poster presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Hornby, A., Goldstein, D., Shankar, G., Rosenberg, B., & Resnick, J. (2006, April). Fostering a climate for collaborative undergraduate research. Poster presented at University of Washington Teaching & Learning Symposium, Seattle, WA.

Leadley, S. (2006, May). Common ground: Information literacy at two year and four year colleges. Panel presentation, College Librarians & Media Specialists of Washington State Conference (CLAMS), Moses Lake, WA.


Barrett, L., & Parker, S. (2005, June). A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Visual Literacy Through Critical Inquiry. Poster presented at American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.

Leadley, S. (2005, October). From here to eternity: the long road to information literacy/competency for students in higher education. Panel presentation at Association of College and Research Libraries of Washington and Oregon Conference, Pack Forest, WA.

Planchon Wolf, J., Leppa, C., & Brockhaus, A. (2005, October). Developing online teaching and learning resources that engage faculty. Presented at E-Learn 2005 World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Vancouver, B.C.

Crain, C. & Parker, S. (2005, May). Caught in the Web: the Developmental and Contextual Nature of Information Literacy. PresentationPNW Higher Education Teaching & Learning Conference, Spokane, W.

Crain, C. & Parker, S. (2005, March). Caught in the Web: the Developmental and Contextual Nature of Information Literacy. Presentation, League for Innovations in the Community College Conference, New York, NY.

Parker, S. (2005, Feb). Getting Back on the Radar: Integrating Library Services and Research into Online Learning.  Panel presentation, College Librarians & Media Specialists of Washington State Conference (CLAMS),  Auburn, WA.

Silins, V. (2005). Best K-8 books of 2004. Presented at Washington Library Media Association. Yakima, WA, October 2005.


Beach, N., Parker, S., & Szarko, M. (2004, June). Inquiry through Collaboration: A New Approach to Undergraduate Research. Poster Session presented at American Library Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.

Harwood, D. & Szarko, M. (2004, June). Finding Strategies for Moving Students beyond Search Engines.  Roundtable discussion at LOEX-of-the-West 2004 Conference, Boise, ID.


Harwood, D. (2001, June). Staff Training for an Information Commons Desk.  Poster presented at American Library Association 2001 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.


Harwood, D.  (2000, July). Discovery-Based Instruction: More Hands-on, Less Lecture with Web Tools. Poster presented at American Library Association 2000 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Leadley, S. (2000). A model of collaboration among faculty, librarians, and writing instructors integrating research, writing and reading instruction in an interdisciplinary studies program.   Presentation at LOEX-of-the-West Conference,  Bozeman, MT.


Leadley, S. (1998) Teaching meetings: providing a forum for learning how to teach.  Presentation at LOEX-of-the-West Conference, Cedar City, UT.