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Nursing Research Guide: Everett Students

Library Instruction: Everett

Hello! Julie will be supporting your assignments in the following courses:

  • B NURS 360: Critical Reading and Information Literacy in Nursing. Usually in these online and face-to-face library sessions we practice locating the full text of scholarly articles in the CINAHL and PubMed databases, and set-up your UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery account.
  • B NURS 460: Translating Scholarly Knowledge to Nursing Practice. In this course we usually locate evidence based practice literature in various databases and web sites.

Interlibrary Loan Services

UW Interlibrary Loan and Scanning Services Information:


For assistance please contact:

Requesting & Reserves Materials:

Julie Planchon Wolf
Research & Instruction/Nursing & Health Studies Librarian
Phone: (425) 352-3452
Office: LB1-210C

Or Contact the Bothell Campus Librarians or Library Staff:

  • Call the library at (425) 352-5340 or use our Ask a Question services.



Requesting Materials

  • All UWB Everett students can request to have UW Libraries materials delivered any of the UW Libraries. You can request in the UW Libraries Search system.

Reserves Materials

  • Required materials for your classes, including text books, are sometimes available online or at the Bothell Campus Library. Ask your instructor for more information.

EvCC Library Information:


Everett University Center information page.

On the "MyEvCC Student Portal" page for these options are at the bottom: Display My SID, Password Reset (View SID, Email), etc.