U.S. Congressional Serial Set This link opens in a new windowArmy Corps of Engineers, Annual Reports for 1824-1979
(the latter date is still changing as Readex continues to digitize volumes)
Click on the Publication Category tab, then click on Annual Reports
Browse within annual reports until you find "U.S. War Department. Engineer Department" (click on "more"--U.S. War Department. Engineer Department is near the bottom of the long list). Click on the document which has the date for which you would like an annual report.
Annual reports were often published as part of the President's annual State of the Union materials. It may be hard to identify an annual report as a distinct chapter within these materials. To start your search, click on full citation and scroll down to see if there are Contents Notes. Not all of the documents will have them but, if there are contents notes, look to see if there is a report from either the Engineer or the War Department. If there is a report listed, there should be a page number noted. Go to to the bar on the left, find the page number and click on it.
Whether or not there are content notes to verify the presence of an annual report, it is possible to search out an annual report contained in the State of the Union materials. In both cases, type the word "engineer" in the search box at the top of the page. The pages which have references to the Engineer Department will now be in bold when you look at the side bar and the word engineer, where it exists, will be highlighted on every page you look at. An annual report is most likely found where there are clumps of pages listed having references to "engineer". If there are no contents notes verifying the presence of an annual report, these groups of pages will be the best lead to an annual report.