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Research Guides

Government Sources by Subject: National Security Archive

Starting Points

CD-Rom Index and Microfiche

The National Security Archive index is on CD-ROM. This CD-ROM contains the electronic versions of the twelve collection indexes and guides included in The Making of U.S. Policy series, which contains 35,857 documents (on microfiche). Because it is a networked CD-ROM, you will need to be at a UW Libraries public workstation to view it.

Many of the microfiche are organized by large topic, for example: "Iraqgate: ...(1980-1994)" or "Military Uses of Space, 1946-1991".  It can most easily be found in the UW Libraries Catalog with a keyword search on National Security Archive.

To get a list of all the subject groupings, search under author by entering this exact syntax:  National Security Archive U S.

The microfiche are housed in Government Publications/Maps/Microforms and Newspapers; ask at their help desk on the Ground Floor of Suzzallo Library for assistance in retrieving the microfiche you wish to see. Printed guides accompany the microfiche sets. These topical collections are an excellent means to obtain primary source documents on complex federal government issues.

Declassified CIA Memo

a typewritten page with sections blacked out.

An example of what a declassified memo might look like. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.