Almanac of American Politics on the Directories and Biographies page
American Memory Project: A Century of Lawmaking on the Congress: House and Senate page of the U.S. Federal Guide
Apportionment - a sidebar on the Enumeration Districts page
Bill analysis on the Bills - U.S. Congress page
Bill tracking on the Bills - U.S. Congress page
Biographical information of members of congress on the Directories and Biographies page
Budget Tracker, a CQ tool, on the Congressional Issues page
Calendars and schedules on the Congressional Floor and Committee Schedules page
CCH Congressional Index on the Bills - U.S. Congress page
Center for Legislative Archives on the Archives page
CIS Annual, also known as the CIS Index, on the Indexes page
CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings Index on the Indexes page
CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Prints Index on the Indexes page
CIS U.S. Serial Set Index on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set page
Committee membership on the Congressional Floor and Committee Schedules page
Committee prints on the Congressional Prints page
Committee reports on the Congressional Reports page, a Library of Congress Resource, can be found throughout the guide, including on the Bills - U.S. Congress, Congressional Floor and Committee Schedules, Congressional Record, Congressional Voting Records, and Library of Congress pages
Congress and the Nation on the Congressional Issues page
Congress to year conversion chart on the Congressional Record page
Congressional committee documents full text sources on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set page, finding aids on the Indexes page
Congressional Digest: The Pro & Con Monthly on the Congressional Issues page
Congressional Directory on the Directories and Biographies page
Congressional Districts on the Maps in Government Publications and profiles on the Directories and Biographies pages
Congressional Demographics on the U.S. Federal guide's Legislative Branch Overview page, and on the Directories and Biographies page
Congressional Glossaries on the Congressional Issues page
Congressional Papers page
Congressional Record page
Congressional Record Index on the Congressional Record page
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports on the Congressional Issues and Immigration pages
Congressional Staff Directory on the Directories and Biographies page
CQ Almanac on the Congressional Issues page for analysis of legislation, the Bills - U.S. Congress page for bill analysis, and the Congressional Voting Records page for voting record tables.
CQ Guide to Congress on the Congress: House and Senate page of the U.S. Federal Guide
CQ Morning Briefing, previously known as CQ Today, on the Congressional Issues page
CQ Weekly on the Congressional News and Congressional Issues pages for coverage of issues and politics, as well as the Congressional Voting Records page for voting record tables. resources are found on many pages including the Congressional Issues and Bills - U.S. Congress pages
C-SPAN on the Videos and Tutorials page
Digest of Public Bills and Resolutions on the Bills - U.S. Congress page
Election Statistics on the Elections page
FDSys, GPO’s Federal Digital System - see GPO
Financial Disclosures on the Open Government page
GPO (Government Printing Office) resources can be found throughout the guide, including on the Directories and Biographies, Impeachment of a U.S. President, Journals of the House and Senate, Senate Executive Documents and Reports, and U.S. Congressional Serial Set pages
Hearings on the Congressional Hearings page
HEINOnline resources can be found throughout the guide, including on the the Congressional Hearings page, Congressional Prints, Congressional Record, Government Manuals, Laws Regulations Constitutions, Senate Executive Documents and Reports, U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and Treaties pages
The Hill on the Congressional News page
Journals of the House and Senate page
Laws on the U.S. Laws page of the U.S. Federal Guide
Legislative Explorer (LegEx) on the Bills - U.S. Congress page
Legislative Insight (ProQuest)
Legislative Process page
Legistorm on the Open Government page
Manuals on the Government Manuals page
News on the Congressional News and Video and Tutorials pages
Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set page
ProQuest Congressional resources can be found throughout the guide, including on the Congressional Hearings, Congressional News, Congressional Prints, Congressional Reports, and Indexes pages
Roll Call on the Congressional News page
Senate Executive Documents and Reports page
Serial Set on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set page
Testimony can be found in Congressional Hearings
Treaty documents on the Treaties and Senate Executive Documents and Reports pages
U.S. Congressional Serial Set page
United States Code on the U.S. Laws page of the U.S. Federal Guide
Vital Statistics on Congress, on the Legislative Branch Overview page of the U.S. Federal Guide
Voting records on the Congressional Voting Records page
The Washington Post on the Congressional News page